

Arakur Ushuaia Resort & Spa Hotel Privacy Policy

Arakur Ushuaia (The Hotel) respects your privacy and endeavours to protect and handle the personal information you give us confidentially in accordance with article 43, 3rd paragraph of the Argentine National Constitution, the Personal Data Protection Law nº 25.326, the 1558/01 Decree, and other dispositions from the Dirección Nacional de Protección de Datos Personales (National Direction of Personal Data Protection – DNPDP). We would like to share with you the following principles which govern our privacy policy.

The information we collect

Throughout the present policy, we refer to the information that personally identifies you as “Personal Data”. The Hotel collects your Personal Data to answer your applications, which may include the processing of your requests, your enrollment in a mailing list, or an events register. Personal Data are the information of any kind that refers to physically existing persons or persons existing non-physically which are or can be determined. This data may include your name, postal address or email address, telephone number, occupation or personal interests. If you provide Personal Data from another person, such as your spouse or workmate, you should hold a proper authorization to provide their data.
The Hotel’s website can be accessed anonymously. When you access The Hotel’s website, we record your IP Address (your computer’s Internet address) so that we have information as regards which parts of the site are navigated and how much time you spend in each section.

You will be able to choose to provide us Personal Data in a variety of situations, including when you:

– Hire any service offered by the Hotel;

– Take part of an online survey;

– Apply to be included in an email or mailing list;

– Participate of a bid or any other sale; or

– When you provide the Hotel personal information as regards yourself for any other reason.

The Hotel only uses this information if it has been obtained in accordance with the regulations established in the present Privacy Policy.

Your choice and control

You will always be informed before any Personal Data are collected and you will be informed of the reasons for the collection of that information. Your consent will be required before using or transmitting your data for any ends different from the ones you had provided your data for. With the aim of gaining knowledge of your preferences, an action from your part will be requested, such as marking the appropriate option to send your consent.

How your Personal Data is used

The Hotel uses your Personal Data to respond to your applications and, to do that, it might be necessary to share your information with a third party. In the aforesaid cases, we will only transmit the information necessary to process your application and will require the third parties to limit the use of your Personal Data to the requirements of the application. Your Personal Data will be used to give you the products and services you have requested, to answer your calls, and to offer you commercial material that you may have requested. Likewise, your Personal Data can be used with promotional, commercial or advertising ends in accordance with article 27 from the law 25.326. You will have the right to ask to be removed or opt out of the database.
In accordance, your Personal Data could be used to create anonymous data files or data groups to carry out statistical analysis and other aims, omitting or suppressing information (such as your name) through which you can be identified. We will also communicate your Personal Data, when such information may be demanded because of a law, with the aim of enforcing our Terms of Use, or in case of an emergency, to protect personal, public or website safety. The Sensitive Data that you provide us will only be used to carry out the specific activity or event for which they were submitted and will later be destroyed.

Your rights to access, rectify, update or suppress your data

You will have the right to access, revise and modify your Personal Data sending a request to the address or email mentioned in the Person in Charge slot. In accordance with the DNPDP disposition nº 10/2008, you are informed that you have the faculty to exercise your right to access your Personal Data for free and in periods of no less than 6 months, with the exception that a legitimate interest is provided in this respect in accordance to what is established in the article 14, section 3 of the law nº 25.326, with previous certification of your identity. The Hotel will provide you with the requested information within ten working days after being notified of this requirement.
Likewise, the rectification, updating and, when possible, the suppression or confidentiality of the data can be requested; after your identity has been certified. The Hotel will proceed in conformity within five working days after the notification has been received, or after the error or falseness of the data have been certified. Also, you can resort to the DNPDP in case you have any queries.

You can apply for the modification and/or removal of any Personal Data used by us, sending an email to: [email protected]. The Hotel will send you an email confirming the aforesaid operation.

Children and privacy

The Hotel does not knowingly collect Personal Data from children under 13 years of age. If the Hotel had knowledge that Personal Data from children under 13 years old has been collected, it will be eliminated from its database.

Changes of the present Privacy Policy

This document has been updated on March 5th, 2014. The Hotel can modify the following Privacy Policy periodically and at any moment. Its use from the Hotel’s website after any changes are introduced will mean and confirm that you assent to those changes.

Questions or Suggestions

If you have any question or query as regards the collection, use or communication of your Personal Data, please send us an email to the following address: [email protected]

Arakur Ushuaia

    OCT 22
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